Sesame Seeds



Natural White Sesame Seeds

Sesame is a flowering plant in the genus sesamum. It is an annual plant growing to 50 to 100 cm (2-3 feet) tall. The word sesame is from Latin word “Sesamum Indicum”. The colour of seeds varies from pure black to creamy white to pure white and red. The size of the seed, its hardness, taste, color, oil content and power of resistance to pests entirely depends on the variety of seed. Generally, we procure the raw sesame seeds from skilled and efficient crop cultivators within Gujarat, as these natural sesame seeds will originate from best quality soils and will be rich in proteins and minerals. Natural sesame seeds are cholesterol free and are helpful to improve the health and nourishment.

Hulled Sesame Seeds

We specialize in exporting hulled sesame seeds which are nutritious and rich in proteins, minerals including calcium, iron and phosphorus. Before handling this hulling process, we conduct various stages of cleaning process on the raw product. The further process is carried on ultra modern equipment ensuring germ-free and hygienic end product. Mechanically hulled sesame seeds are mostly used in breads, burgers, cereals, candies, soups and in other confectionary products.
We are the exporters of Sesame Seeds from India to others countries worldwide.